
All posts in the Baking category

Closing out February

Published February 26, 2016 by emmaperez1961

This month is coming to an end already. These months are just flying by. But no time to waste right! And all the holidays hit you like no tomorrow. I learned that one this Valentines day. The last of all the holidays towards the end and new year.  Boy, did I have plans for that one. Ya, well. It didn’t happen. Decorating heart cookies was my intention, but time and other circumstances didn’t let me. So here I was stuck with all these heart shaped cookies, and thought ‘boy, what a waste.’ but then I had remembered someone who had made use of them and I did the same. She made thong cookies. Now this was like, what? A good five years ago! And now their popping up all over at bachelorette parties. Who’s to know when an idea can take off like a rocket, right!

So I whipped some different color royal icing and went to town with it. I had fun and gave some away. I posted them on fb and heard nice comments. And like I said they’ve been out for awhile so I thought everyone has seen them by now, but I was wrong. Not everyone had and it was their first time seeing them. Now that surprised me. Not everybody sees things at the same time, obviously. What was old to me was new to them. Now that’s alot to consider when being creative or crafting. A lot to think about this year, I’d say!

With that being said. I’m taking a small break from baking. And definitely taking ample time for Easter. Usually March is a slow month and we can all take a deep breath and relax. Oh, wait! Its also craft month. So look out for all those new invention and package deals.

On my next post I’ll be talking about card making. So make sure you check in. Happy Crafting!!!



Published February 7, 2016 by emmaperez1961

Talk about forgetting things. Couldn’t figure out how to upload picture from my new phone. Finally just went to wp and took it from my gallery. Geez, that was upsetting.

So here we are February already. Paczki day or known as fat Tuesday for most and Valentine season is here. I see it as the ‘Red’ month. So who has their cookies and cakes going? I started my holiday by making a card for a friend. Actually, I had two other cards that I wanted to post with this one but it went off my camera as I tried to free up some data on my phone. Upset about that too! Trying to jump on the band wagon of making several cards for the year. Get well cards, birthday cards, baby shower cards, Christmas cards and so on, so I could have them ready for when one pops up. And believe me, they always do. Their becoming more easily to make. And all I want to do is make a whole bunch of them. They do save time and money. And you could always find sentiments on-line if you need them.

Have to take a small break though because I do have Valentine cookies I want to make for my grandchildren and wanted to try my hand at some cakepops as well. I can’t wait to get those done. I only have this week left and I know I should have started earlier. I realized when it comes to baked goods, you really have to be ahead of your own schedule. Now its going to feel like more of a rush job. And I really don’t like rushing in anything I do. For the fact that a lot can go wrong!

My card is not great but I like the way it came out anyway. And I know she’ll like too. When I can, I’ll dig for the others and post them. Their saved in my computer somewhere. lol

I’ll be back when the cookies and cakepops are done.20160206_201711.jpg

Coming to an end!

Published December 31, 2015 by emmaperez1961

So here we are. Seeing another year coming to an end. I’ve read  a lot of post of how many didn’t do all of what they set out to accomplish. But that’s OK, because you came closer than last year. And now you know what it takes. So as we count down the days to the new year, all we can do is ask ourselves “What did I learn this year?” Or you! And take that into the new year as a lesson learned.

The one thing I did learn this year was that ‘There’s no time to waste time!’ When you think about all that has to be done, (work, family, grandchildren, birthdays, holidays, not to mention all the classes your taking). It’s like a whirlwind going around your head. And all you want to do is scream ‘Stop!’

I read someone who wrote that between after Christmas and New years theirs nothing to do. Right! Because you spent all year going here, going there, planning this, planning that. Some are probably still doing it rolling into the new year but for most we just stop! Everything has been done. And we sit twiddling our thumbs as to say “Now what?”

So, here we are thinking of regrets, disappointments, what we got done and what wasn’t. At least I do. If only I would of done this or that. Would of, could of, should of! But hay! Theirs always next year!

So don’t kick yourself. You did the best you could. And I’ll give you an ‘A’ for putting in the effort and trying. Who can ask for more than that?

And after doing my own review, like I do every year. I decided to take on little journeys here and there. So, I’m looking  forward to filling in my 2016 planner for that. And yes get a planner! Its not the same as writing stuff in your phone. Odds are your not going back to look unless your on the go and have a business. No, seriously! So make that a priority on your list for next year.

I am happy to say though, that I was finally able to make my ‘snowflake cookie’ this year. Came out cute and my grandchildren loved them. It only took two years! Couldn’t get hold of the darn cookie cutter. I guess there is a time for everything. Is that Ecclesiastic or Lament? Its one of those.

What I was really looking for though, was a cookie cutter for the Star of David. Which I didn’t find. Maybe thru one of my journeys this year, I’ll find one. So, I stuck with the snowflake instead.

I’m also looking forward to writing more through out the new year. So, until then keep being productive and creative. Believe me everything you learned last year won’t be wasted.

Have a Happy Blessed New Year Everybody!!!!!wp-1451322633036.jpg





Yap, two more cakes!

Published April 15, 2015 by emmaperez1961

Easter was a quite holiday for me this year. My kids are grown, so no more Easter egg hunts. That’s over. And as for my grandchildren, My daughter took them out for the day. So I didn’t see them. I was able to make them some little treats from Easter baggies that I had from last year and filled them with Easter candy. But wasn’t able to give it to them until the Friday after for that’s when I babysit.

I really did wanted to try my hand at some  bunny shaped cake pops, but that didn’t happen. My timing management was just so totally off and I felt so disappointed that I didn’t get nothing done. As for my anniversary coming up as well as my son’s birthday, I decided to just make up my baking time with that.

So as I was underway getting my anniversary cake ready, I realized I had a bunny cake mold. I was so mad. I had completely forgot about it. I could of made one for the grandkids and taken it over to them. Definitely taking time to reread my time management book, because I felt it was just unexcused.

My anniversary went well. Chinese food and cake. My son’s birthday too! My husband a made a puerto rican dish for him called Ventura and chocolate cake. It all came out good!

Still working on my butter cream flowers. I’ll get there, eventually!wpid-img_20150407_181004109.jpgwpid-img_20150411_234244933.jpg

Baking away!!

Published December 7, 2014 by emmaperez1961

I went a little smaller on this cake, a 9″. I was really stoked when my eldest son actually thought I bought it. Which made me feel really good. 🙂 Still working on cake mixes. This was a chocolate cake. I was missing one ingredient so I tried a different recipe than the one I usually use. This one came out more condensed and fudge. Almost like a brownie, which was great because the boys love brownies!!!

Would I try it again? Probably not. I’m still looking for light fluffy mix. Almost there! wpid-img_20141204_192557402.jpg But it was good to know what the recipe did.

Turkey time!!

Published December 2, 2014 by emmaperez1961

This holiday just went by fast. Thanks to my Daughter we had a blessed day. A lot less hassle for the most expensive dinner of the year. LOL!!!! She did a great job. Turkey, gravy, stuffing was great! Not to mention her great first time pumpkin pie. Loved it!!!!

I had fun making these little Turkey Cookies for the girls at work. I was blessed by them and just wanted to bless them back with a little something. And I thought these would be the perfect little gift especially for the holiday.

They were easy to make and wait to make more of them next year for family and friends.wpid-img_20141129_183525944.jpg

Cakes, cakes, cakes!!! Tis’ the season!!

Published November 10, 2014 by emmaperez1961

It’s that time of the year!  My baking time begins. With so many birthdays and holidays around the corner, One is always trying to get as much done as possible. And if you can put a smile on someone’s face, that’s even better.

My husbands birthday kicked off the first cake of the season. Now next comes my eldest son. November 19th. I have some ideas but still doing a bit more research. Definitely,  German chocolate!

Ya, as for my writing. Still working on that. Didn’t really put that much effort into it this past spring and summer. Which I regret. I know I really need to work on it. It’s the face of the cake. I know it has to look nice. lol

The chocolate frosting came out to be the right color as for the purple. I was really pleased. Both were home made. The cake bread as well.

Hopefully, this time next year, all of this will come together. I have all of winter to practice!! He, he he!!!wpid-wp-1415633297796.jpeg

Trying to get there

Published August 14, 2014 by emmaperez1961

I made yet another attempt to make another sponge cake. I had made one recently and it came out really tough. So I’m still trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong. Too much flour, not enough eggs. What is it!!!!  Uggghhh!!!!

With this one I mixed 1/2c butter and 1/2c margarine. Then added sugar eggs and so on. I also added 1/4c of vegetable oil, Which I think was a mistake. But gave it a go anyway. I also omitted the egg whites and just added the egg yolks for color of cake (yellow). Put in the oven at 325′ for 35 min.

And I came out with this. Still not to happy but the texture was softer than the last. And it smelled a lot like corn bread. I just hope it didn’t taste like it. I’m not a fan of corn bread 😦 . And yes, as you can see. It was still tough. but not as tough as the last.

The other disappointment was that it broke very easily. And it was very crumbly. Other than that, it tasted good! But still not where I want to be at,  where sponge cake is concerned. It wasn’t light and fluffy at all. And that is what I’m looking for in a yellow cake. Especially if your making cupcakes! Right?

So, I’ll be back at the drawing board in a couple of days. I’ve read of two different methods.  ‘The two stage method’ and ‘Foaming or sponge method’. Going to give both a try and see who comes out the winner. Until then, Keep baking. and if you have any tips, I could sure use them.DSC08075



Keeping up with the cakes

Published August 4, 2014 by emmaperez1961

Hi everybody!!

I have been so busy working and baking that I just plain wore myself out. So I’m taking a little break to catch up. I realized that, your not going to perfect something unless you keep at it. Try, try and try again. Especially when it comes to recipes! You’ll soon find out that not all are alike and you have to figure out what works best for you or what your looking for. The same with the ingredients! Keep the recipes you worked with handy. This will help as a guide of what worked and what didn’t. A great reference for what you added or omitted as well.

I mean you can make something but it you don’t keep track and you try again without it. Your basically screwed. It just won’t come out the same and then you’ll wonder why? So it’s best to write it down and keep a copy of it. So this week I have to recopy all of mine and organized them. And find a way to laminate them so I won’t have to worry of them getting wet or the ink writing or pencil disappearing. I have to really work on that.

No seriously!! It’s so annoying when your trying to read a recipe and it has water or milk marks on them or not to mention flour or sugar, or even worse chocolate. Ugghhh!!!! I get so pissed. So just one more project I have to add to my list.

So life has it, that 5 months ago I was determined to bake a cake from scratch and although I haven’t perfected it yet, I’m getting closer. It does help when you follow the instructions of which flours to use for cakes or pastries and watch a lot of different videos!

What I have been working on is chocolate cake. More so for my son’s. They all enjoy chocolate. For me it became a challenge.  My first thought was ‘Hmmm, chocolate. I don’t know. I’m still trying to figure out yellow sponge cake’.  Eventually, I know I have to learn both so, lets do this. This was my first chocolate sponge cake. Not to happy for it but it came out tasty. (photo 1). The end result was the decorated cake, in which I’ll talk about the choc0late frosting later. (photo 2)

So, don’t give up! You can learn this too!!010 004