
All posts for the month March, 2016

Red Balloons!!

Published March 30, 2016 by emmaperez1961

In the mist of adding my B&B to my blog, I had gone to the thrift store to see if I can find some suitable dishes for my tray. And with no luck at all I left the store disappointed. As I proceeded out the door, I remembered that their was a party city nearby. And I had a thought that maybe they might carry some kind of glass wear. So I went in to check it out. And of course to my dismay, their wasn’t any.

But did find a Wilton baking isle, which I wasn’t expecting to see at all and told the cashier that I would definitely come back. Purchased a few tips and sprinkles.

While I was waiting in line to pay for my products, this lady yells that she was giving away balloons for free. I guess she didn’t like the color or something and that they we’re already purchased. She said ‘If  you want some just let the cashier know and she’ll give them to you.’ I was like, that’s cool! And thanked her.

I didn’t realized the colors until I sat waiting for the bus. Now, their were black ones but I asked for the gold and red ones only. It was just so ironic that the balloons matched the the book that I was about to study. ‘Fighting back With Joy’. I felt so blessed that my Lord wanted me to have these balloons.

Now the reaction of the people was a big deal cause it made me realize something else. In-which I will share with you later in the days to come. I felt so giddy the rest of the ride home that I couldn’t wait to take a picture of both the balloons and book.

Now their is always a reason why our Lord does what He does. Its behind the reason of the balloons that I’m so in awe about. Otherwise, I would have never seen or thought about it.

Come back for my next post. I’ll be doing a vlog on the books.wp-1458941317557.jpg

Cake Competition in Chicago

Published March 23, 2016 by emmaperez1961

Well, I finally made it to the Cake Competition at the Chicago Flower& Garden Show held at NavyPier this year. Had been wanting to go for the last 3 years. When I come next year, definitely going to bring or buy lunch. I didn’t think  it was going to be an all day affair. I should have known better!

Got there a little late but did stay for three hours. Enough to pick up some decorating tips and talk to the contenders. Wish I could have stayed longer but had other pressing matters to care of at home. You know how that is when you have family!

And of course I didn’t want to leave my followers out! So I hope you enjoy the little bit that I filmed. I ran out of data room in camera, so it was cut short. I actually had three recording devices. And old camera that was totally dead, my I-phone and Bloggie. Thank God those two worked. I’m definitely going to make sure all my devices work before I head out onto my next adventure. lol

For some reason I can’t get the video on the page just the link. The html does not show on my dash board. But click on the link and it will take you to the video from Youtube. Enjoy! And don’t forget to check in on my next post.


Published March 21, 2016 by emmaperez1961

I received my books Saturday. I thought I would have to wait another week actually but now I can jump right into the study tomorrow missing just one week. Isn’t that awesome! Jesus is incredible. His timing with me always blows me away. I’ll do a  vlog and show you the inside of the book and I’ll let you know how my first lesson went. Don’wp-1458525368517.jpgt forget to check in!!

Time flies to fast! Devotional

Published March 16, 2016 by emmaperez1961

When I started this blog, my intent wasn’t only about crafts and baking but of a spiritual journey or walk. I wanted to share how our craftiness and creativity connects with God. Because, He is a creator so are we! He enjoys to see what we come up with. How we put things together, how our brains work to get things done. Its awesome!

Its an awesome when someone says. ‘Oh, you made that or oh, you built that! Its a great feeling. And it encourages you to want to do more. The same way with getting into the word of God or the Bible. The more ways you find how to apply it into your life, the more your going want to know more of it and read it. It becomes a want or a desire.

Then other things start to happen. You start visualizing images you never seen before. The word of God jumps out from the pages and becomes alive. So in other words devotionals helps you look at the word from different angles. And believe me God has more angles that we don’t even know about. We only know about a handful.

So I hope this video will help and inspire you to want to do more with the word too. Enjoy!!


New kit

Published March 11, 2016 by emmaperez1961

So, I received my new card kit today. A little disappointed for as I didn’t get as much as I did in the first kit. Other than the bonus you usually get with the introductory offer. I thought it would be more of the same. I feel like I’m paying more and getting less. I was hoping for more die cuts, but oh well! Maybe the next one.

All in all, it is a cute set and I can’t wait to work with it. Hopefully I’ll be able to give it a go tomorrow. They look simple enough so they shouldn’t take that long. Ok so! That’s all I have for now. So come back, check in, and know that you can always follow me on Tweeter, facebook, YouTube and yes, even Periscope! Just got into that. Still working with it though.wp-1457667734696.jpg

Here we are! Craft Month….

Published March 4, 2016 by emmaperez1961

K, I didn’t want to make everyone wait to long for the cards, so I decided to make one and post each other one as I go along. For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, I recently joined a ‘card of the month’ club. Every month a get a card kit that includes everything I need to make a that card.

So far I had fun making the first one but truth be told, make sure you get all you adherent products you have on hand cause your going to need them. (Glue gun, glue, doublesided tape, etc)

The card didn’t come out exactly like the picture but it came pretty close. Next time around I’ll make the flowers bigger.

Now, they did have these rub on transfers which were a cute idea but it did take a lot of rubbing before they finally adhere to the card stock. Tiny bits and pieces were missing from the writing but for the most part it came out ok. As for the sentiment (which had quite a bit of writing) I didn’t want to chance it. And knowing that the card was going to be slipping in and out of the pot, I didn’t want to take the chance of any of the words rubbing or being pulled off. So I kept it in its original form. I just taped the whole plastic sheet down. It was prettier and shinier!

All in all, it took like 2hrs to make the card. Give or take. I did take a couple of breaks here and there. lol

So I hope you liked the card? Don’t forget to check in for my next post or rather my next card! Until then. Happy Crafting!!wp-1457034812454.jpgwp-1457034799621.jpg


Lets Leap Into March!!! Ha ha!

Published March 1, 2016 by emmaperez1961

Wow, Can”t believe its Leap year. Has it been 4 yrs already! Well, we do get that one extra day. To think about what we’re going to be jumping into next coming month. Looking forward to it already.

I recently hooked up with this ‘card of the month’ kit. Just to try it out. So far not disappointed. Gave me enough to make 5 to 6 cards. And you don’t have to worry about buying die cuts or punches cause it includes those as well. Plus the inspiration! Its called ‘Annie’s cardmaker’. Reminded me of the craft brochure called AnniesAttic. Which I used to order from years back. I wonder if their one and the same?

It came with a few free gifts like: Little pouch, pen, stamp block and stamps and a bone folder which I always wanted. I have purchased a few other items to get myself started too: Doubled sided tape (we can’t be without that!) and a PapercraftMagazine, that include an embossing folder set. It’s a Great British tea Party theme. Not really sure how it works so, have to read and figure that one out. Also in the mix I ordered these fun stickers that I wanted to try to add to my Journal. I was surprised to see them so small. Their perfect for pocket calender’s! Maybe I’ll use them in there too. They were call ‘Rainbow Market stickers’. I guess they all come in various sizes. I’ll just have personal fun with them.

Ok, so hopefully in my next post I’ll have a few cards done working with these items. So check in and we’ll see you in March! Happy Crafting!!!wp-1456786092058.jpg