
All posts for the month December, 2013

2 days left!!

Published December 30, 2013 by emmaperez1961

I’m already getting emotional. I can’t believe the year is close to an end. 2013 will be no more.  But I have to tell you, it was a rollercoaster of a ride. So much that I read and learned thru out the year. The best part is that my whole family is together. My second eldest son was in Kawait last year. And my third was in North Carolina for his basic traning. This year, I’m glad we’ll all be ringing in the new year together.

With that being said. I was thinking about how our living conditions came to be.  We live in a nice, three bedroom, size apartment.  There is six of us all together. I’m the only female here. Except for my daughter but she lives with her huband. I have four boys and one daughter and two grandchildren. A pretty size family. Anyway! Our living condition came to be mostly like a ‘college campus enviroment. I don’t have a dining or living room for their both being used as dorm rooms. The only room that is accessible to all of us to use and thats the kitchen.

It’s not kid friendly. And my grandchildren have seen that first hand. Their mostly in my room or my husband’s. I like it though, because we all have our own space and privacy and we all have our own laptops and tv’s. So no, we don’t have a traditional home like most families do. It just doesn’t work for us.

We all pitch in to pay the rent and bills. My husband and I do most of the cleaning and laundry and babysit the grandchildren. With work, babysitting and trying to build a brand, I’ll tell you, it’s hard work. And ya, I’m tired all the time.

So, I am really anxious to see what the new year is going to bring. In my world, it’s always different. It never stay the same. Change is always happening. I’ve learned to go with the flow and not get too comfortable because I know change is always around the corner for me. And what is life if it’s not forever evolving.  For one, it keeps me young and it keeps me on top of things.

And on that note,  I can’t wait to read some newyear resolution. I know their going to be some good ones.

Have A Safe and Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!!!






Looking Ahead

Published December 23, 2013 by emmaperez1961

With Christmas a couple a days ahead and the new year right around the corner, I’m already looking ahead to what I’ll be doing starting now, for 2014. I’ve done a lot of reading thru the year, watched a lot of informative and learning shows. Enough to ask, what’s next? Where do I go from here?

Have to admit I’m a little anxious and I’m always looking for more inspiration. I have read articles on ‘Homebased Business, Mommypreneur, WorkingMother, Etc.’ They all just seem to sound the same. No new information on how to continue to move forward. No follow ups on anyone on how their doing.

I don’t know, maybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m looking for something that just doesn’t exist yet.

Ok, like before September, I was on unemployment. I miscalculated and my funds ended abruptly. Believe me the holidays were the last things on my mind. Where or how to get a pay check took priority. Just looking for jobs on-line wasn’t enough. I had to hit the pavement as well and hope for the best. If I saw an opening, I had to hurry, get dressed and race over that same day. Their wasn’t time to waste!

This went on for two months. By the end of October, I was almost in tears. Luckily for me, I had one more shot in the beginning of November. Saw an ad and ran over. Filled out the application right then and there. Spoke to the employer that same hour. I’ll tell you. I was so at the end of my rope that I couldn’t help it. I got emotional. Ya, I almost busted in tears in front of this person. After that was over. I went to my car thinking. What the heck did I just do. He’s not going to call me back.

But guess what? He did!! He liked my honesty. And believe me. At that moment, that’s all I had. I had nothing to lose at that point. So, I got the job! Happy to say.

So, if your young and reading this. Please take note. When the say “Party now, Pay later” Their not kidding! Rest assured. If you let to many ‘good times’ get in the way, You will regret it later. So it’s “Pay now, Party later”. You’ll have the rest of your life to enjoy!

So with all that said. For one. I am so very thankful for the job I received this year. And can’t wait to see what the new  year brings. And just like a job, I have to take everything I learned this year and put it into practice for next year.

So then, why is their no new information. Because you already read and heard it all. Their is no new information. Now, I’m talking about ‘tricks of the trade’ that’s a whole different can of worms. I’m talking about your basic information to get you started. It’s basically like math or reading. Once you have the basics, It’s up to you on how far you want to take it.

And don’t give up! The harder you try, the sooner you’ll see your breakthrough!!!

Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS everybody!!!!!! Stay safe!!!  And out of  the mouth of TinyTim.  May God Bless us, one and all! 🙂







Cricut Expression!!!! Help!!!!!

Published December 8, 2013 by emmaperez1961

I am so fustrated. I’ve been all morning looking for my CD that came with my machine. The introduction informercial. I know it came with the machine. But I can’t find it anywhere. I’ve been looking on-line, in archives, youtube, but I just can’t find the video anywhere. I’m like seriously!!!

I mean, I have the machine! Why wouldn’t it be around somewhere in the the cloud. Anyway, if you still have your copy, can you please put it up some how or on youtube. I would so much aprreciate it so much!!!!

I’ll be looking out for it!! Thank you!!!

Cakes !!!!

Published December 3, 2013 by emmaperez1961

Yes, this is definitely cake season for me. As a matter of fact, all thru January as well. Christmas and cookies are coming up and I for sure I won’t forget NewYears!!! Aside from holidays, I have birthdays. Since I work at a bakery, I just  might give myself a break and order a few cakes since I get 25% off. Oh ya!!!!DSC07977