DIY Halloween 2

Published September 25, 2022 by emmaperez1961

Hello again! Ok, so my next diy is the ‘the blood bath skeleton’.

This came out the way I envision it. It was also fun to make. The items I used was a white butter holder from dollar tree. It was flipped upside down on its tray. Glued down of course then painted black and silver. I also used some red tulle for the blood water and red and gold balls for bubbles. Some spider as pets. And I did want it to look like a girl so I added black thread for hair and a little red cardstock bow. Ghoulish, I know!

I have six diy’s that I already made and I haven’t even gotten to the cookies yet! Those will be coming up soon. The baking is the easy part. The decorating with royal icing can be a bit challenging especially if you don’t have the right consistency. But I’m working on it. Hopefully they’ll come out a little nicer this year.

After Halloween then comes the big one. Christmas! Although, I do like making turkey cookies for Thanksgiving and pies.

All the holidays all seem just right around the corner. Next thing you know there here. But taking one holiday at a time. So many projects and so little time. But hay, there’s always next year. If I can’t finish this year at least I’ll have a head start for next year.

As for myself feeling alittle bit more at ease. Fighting not to be afraid. That little inner voice keeps repeating that to me. And my sister sent me a scripture with the same advise. A confirmation, if you ask me.

Don’t be afraid. Take courage. For I am with you. And I keep hearing it over and over again. And all I say. Lord, I trust you. I know deep down He’s going to make everything right.

My anxiety is still raw but not as severe. If I have to I’ll take a sleeping pill but I haven’t had to the last two days. I constantly have to keep my mind and body busy.

I’m not to keen on the things that have been imposed on me the last few weeks. But I’m trying to deal. I’ve been through so many trials in my life. and I really hope this is the last one. That’s why I’m trying to be brave and not afraid so that all this will come to an end. Thank you for listening!

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