
All posts for the month July, 2016

Get out there!!

Published July 26, 2016 by emmaperez1961

Time is a wast’n. So I hope your out there and showing us what you have been doing during these hot summer days. I’m trying to do as much as I can outdoors. Cause we both know that as soon as the cold weather sets in we’re going to be indoors all the time or at least until spring.

Brightening your day

Published July 11, 2016 by emmaperez1961

Were in July and the weather is just gorgeous out. Went out today to improve on my youtube channel. Trying to stay on point and be misleading. I hope everyone enjoyed there 4th of July holiday. Had a little mishap with the fireworks. No one got hurt. Thank God! I’ll post that up when I get a chance.