
All posts for the month May, 2017

Stock Pile

Published May 8, 2017 by emmaperez1961

Hello everybody!!!

So I am so excited! I have been doing some serious couponing. And I mean serious, cause it is time consuming and it takes brainstorming on your part. And I will show you some CRT’s that I get from CVS. Where I been doing most of my deals. It awesome to know that you can get some much for so little. Of course you learn along the way, your hit or misses and screwups!!! But hay, no worries cause the deals always come around again. Thank God!! I haven’t tried walgreen or target, Yet! I’m the kind of person who likes to work on one project (and all it’s worth) before I move on to the next. I like to know that I know all about that subject or project. Multitasking is good but only when you know what you know. If that makes any sense! Otherwise things can become extremely confusing or go horribly wrong.  Then you have to deal with consequences, overspending or your time investment ill spent. And I know we’re all aware that time is something we can’t afford to waste. lol

At first I just wanted to try my hand at it one more time. I have tried years ago and it just didn’t work for me. Maybe  now because we have all the youtube videos that we didn’t have back then, and it has made it easier. So I’m so glad for that. I figured if they can, I can. Actually that is my motto right now on everything. If you can do it , so can I!! I just have to put work, time and alot of effort into it. So its working so far. I have much more to learn but I’m getting there.

And of course I’m working on other projects. If you haven’t seen my boards, just go to my site and scroll down to view them. I’m definitely working on a time system for them. Which isn’t easy because uhm, I’m not a robot!! lol My life entails way much more!

It was fun sitting here and connecting with everyone today. I hope that everyone is not giving up on their projects. Remember, you get back whatever time and effort you put into it. And I know its not easy for alot of us who have family, little ones or fulltime jobs. But 30 mins here and there or more does add up. Have a great day everyone and you’ll hear from me soon!! Keep on crafting!!!