Published August 8, 2022 by emmaperez1961


Hello again! Hope everyone had a good week and ready for a new one.

I know most of you have to do the Monday morning grind. I have been lucky enough to stay out of that race for few months. But that time hopefully will becoming to an end. Really need to find a job soon. The kids will be going back to school soon. I just don’t want to stay home waiting for them to come out. that would drive me nuts. Right now their home and that keeps me busy. Thank God. Otherwise I’d just sit and think away, which in my case with my husbands passing would not be a good thing.

They keep me occupied! And I’m already starting like to feel cabin fever. I need to get out and be around people. And make extra money of course. Don’t think a bakery will do this time around, leaning more towards food service or preparation. And only part-time. I do have other means of funds but its just not enough.

Still doing videos, crocheting, making my mini Halloween journals and just finished my decorated batch of teacups and teapot cutout cookies. They came out cute.

My next cutouts will be leaves. I had remembered I have a leaf cookie cutter. Can’t wait to use it. So those would be my fall cookies then Halloween. I’m getting better with the royal icing and really want to improve. Who knows, maybe I’ll start a cookie business. That would be fun! Something minimal of course. Don’t have energy for a full blown out business. No, just way to much work!

Am doing more reading as well. A fiction novel and bible study in the morning than another novel on my kindle at night. I really am enjoying both stories so far.

Took a break from watching everything Edwardian and Victorian Era. But I did learn so much and seen how far we’ve come. I do however, enjoy my afternoon tea, with tea sandwiches and sweets on a breakfast tray on my king size bed. It’s so relaxing and soothing. It just takes the worry of the world away.

Even if its just for a few moments.

Goodnight for now and I’ll write soon.

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